Pivoting from Scared to Sacred

A pivot is what we need right now – personally and collectively. We need to move from fearful feelings and the negative images it produces to feelings of reverence and respect. Ask yourself which is more healing and calming?

Own Your Life or Someone Else Will

Our past has helped to shape our lives. How can it not? Yet it does not have the power to define us. Whatever your past experiences were you can emerge as an empowered individual. You can shed the weight of harmful situations, labels and feelings of guilt, shame and low self-worth.

Global Challenges and the Urgent Need for Insightful Leadership

Change is no longer on the horizon. It’s swirling around us at a dizzying speed. Whether it’s a natural crisis or man-made, it’s a lot to deal with. The depths of the challenges confronting us often feel overwhelming and even insurmountable. They’re not. What then, is the answer? 

A Simple Method for Practicing Self-Awareness

To meet the demands and challenges of 21st century, self-aware leaders are needed. That means leaders who have the willingness to look at their strengths and weakness. Not easy for a leader with a dominant ego or a fast-track lifestyle.

Smart Leaders Understand the Value of Self-Awareness

The practice of self-awareness takes us beyond our physical sensations into the realm of intuitive understanding. It sheds light on the deeper side of our nature – beyond the concrete world and the sole reliance on our five senses. It leads us to the truth of who we are and frees us from the shackles and layers of falsehoods.

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

Uncomfortable Exposure

A crisis is an opportunity to recognize and gain a better understanding of  life. It helps us to discover our purpose – as an individual, a country and globally. It helps us to break free from the past to forge a better way forward.

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

Embrace the Unexpected

The unexpected is the universe knocking at your door. Swing the door wide open and muster the courage to travel new roads, if even in the dark for a while.

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

Get a Handle on Your Fears

Let’s face it, our fears can give us sleepless nights, cause anxiety and a heap of other troubles. If you’re dealing with fear of any kind, here are a few ways to lessen its grip.