• Go Higher Go Deeper

Alzati Leadership Coaching

Achieve Higher Levels of Performance

As a professional, you need to have the skills to adeptly manage yourself, performance, time, money and energy.

Our work together will increase your self-awareness – opening the door for you to live from your highest potential.

How do you get there? By seeking. By being curious and adventurous. By listening and being receptive. By going within to develop inner receptivity for outer mastery.

How I'll Work with You

Alzati Leadership Coaching is based on deep listening and creative exploration.  I encourage my clients to question their own thoughts and motivations. That raises their self-awareness and leads to deep insights that can positively impact their outcome. I will work with you to understand the value of focused and intentional thoughts. How to manage and direct them to achieve your goals.

As your Coach, my goal is to draw forth the best in you through questions and meaningful dialogue. I will listen, without judgment, to your concerns, issues, fears and hopes – whatever you bring to the table. All is important.

As the Coachee, I ask that you participate with an open mind and readiness to move forward. I want you to feel safe and comfortable to be honest and willing to grow beyond any doubts, fears or hesitations.

My overall goal is for us to create a coaching relationship that is strengths-based, forward-looking and collaborative.


Email me at susan@localhost or you can reach me at: 805-744-9174. 
To arrange a complimentary coaching session, press the button below.

Alzati Coaching Services

Leadership Coaching
Alzati coaching supports you in achieving greater self-awareness in order to maximize your full potential. How to adeptly handle all your challenges through the skillful use of your mind under all circumstances.

Employee Coaching
By phone to resolve immediate challenges including; transitions, conflict resolution, loss of confidence, performance issues, goal setting and more.

Team Leadership Class
Connection/Creativity/Collaboration empowers teams to elevate their thought process and tap into a higher level of creativity. This allows for creative problem-solving, which generates original and transformative ideas.

Alzati Coaching Services

Leadership Coaching
Alzati coaching supports you in achieving greater self-awareness in order to maximize your full potential. How to adeptly handle all your challenges through the skillful use of your mind under all circumstances.

Employee Coaching
By phone to resolve immediate challenges including; transitions, conflict resolution, loss of confidence, performance issues, goal setting and more.

Team Leadership Class
Connection/Creativity/Collaboration empowers teams to elevate their thought process and tap into a higher level of creativity. This allows for creative problem-solving, which generates original and transformative ideas.

Alzati Mission, Vision and Values


To support leaders and teams in the achievement of greater self-awareness, paving the way for them to use their full potential to positively impact the world.


Imagine worldwide, leaders and teams who work every day to uplift others through their sense of humanity, social awareness and ability to solve problems. People who guide us through difficult times. People who creatively envision new ideas, projects, approaches, methods and systems that will meet the needs of the 21st century.



To serve compassionately from the highest in us.

To listen with a non-judgmental open-mind.

To communicate clearly and thoughtfully. 

To continue to learn and grow professionally.

To be receptive to new ideas and perspectives.

To share knowledge and insights generously.   

"That’s been one of my mantras — focus and simplicity.
Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your
thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end
because once you get there, you can move mountains.”
~Steve Jobs