Solving 21st Century Challenges

We find ourselves in a time that is demanding that we solve our challenges at a higher level. The old paradigm will no longer work. As the path of self-awareness takes us higher and deeper into the heart of life, it gives us access to universal guidance, insights and solutions.

Team Leadership Class

Go Higher Go DeeperCreative Minds Solving 21st Century Challenges Alzati Team Leadership ClassThe Team Leadership Classprovides the powerful deep work thattransforms individuals and organizations.Participants learn how to:Manage Uncertainty – Build Resilience Improve Performance – Achieve Clarity Problem-Solve – Heighten CreativityAlbert Einstein once said,”We cannot solve our problems with the samethinking we used when we created them.”Yet we […]


Go Higher Go DeeperCreative Minds Solving 21st Century Challenges Books”The Metaphysics of Business””A Practical Approach to Solving Complex Leadership Challenges of the 21st Century” is available on Amazon.The Metaphysics of Business takes the mystery out of the word “metaphysics,” reducing complex theories to simplicity. Written for leaders it explains the path that leads to greater self-awareness.Benefits include […]

Global Challenges and the Urgent Need for Insightful Leadership

Change is no longer on the horizon. It’s swirling around us at a dizzying speed. Whether it’s a natural crisis or man-made, it’s a lot to deal with. The depths of the challenges confronting us often feel overwhelming and even insurmountable. They’re not. What then, is the answer? 

Innovative Leaders Know How to Access Inner Wisdom

Are you part of the wave of new leadership that will meet the demanding challenges of the 21st century? These courageous men and women know how to balance their inner world with the external world.

The Road Ahead – How to Avoid the Potholes

Would you like to simplify your life? Glide down smooth roads – no potholes. What if you could use your well-paved road to reach higher levels of creativity, problem-solve and bring in new and innovative ideas?

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

A Proven Method to Solve Problems

It’s a fact – problems test our patience. How well do you do in this area? Learn how to problem-solve and apply the technique in any area of your life.

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

Breaking Free of the Mythology of Creativity

Apple CEO, Tim Cook, interviewed by Kara Swisher, co-founder of Recode said to him, “One of the things that I hear a lot about in Silicon Valley if you’re not creative, you’re not going to have a job; that they’ll be replaced by a computer and somebody – either by A.I. or automation or something like that.”