The New Art – Breaking Norms

The 21st century is proving to be challenging. Everywhere you look there seems to be discontent, upheaval and division. We are witnessing extremes in all areas. Progressives are too progressive and conservatives are too conservative. So why and where are we headed?

Alert: Radical Self-Care Needed

No doubt about it, the attack on the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters was shocking, upsetting and difficult to process – no matter what your political leaning. We witnessed

Finding a Safety Net

With what seems like a world raging out of control and uncertainty fueling the fire, multitudes of people are dealing with high levels of stress and anxiety. However, fear is the largest contagion that we are confronted with.

The Power of Collective Thought

When enough people use the power of their mind for the good of all, change takes place. But it takes individuals with strong and focused mindsets to initiate it. Achievement of that is possible under all circumstances. Dire conditions often demand it.

Solving 21st Century Challenges

We find ourselves in a time that is demanding that we solve our challenges at a higher level. The old paradigm will no longer work. As the path of self-awareness takes us higher and deeper into the heart of life, it gives us access to universal guidance, insights and solutions.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety in an Unstable World

More than 4 in 10 Americans are struggling with stress and anxiety reports the CDC. With the volatile political landscape, the fires and floods and the unstable economy, we find ourselves living with super-high levels of uncertainty.

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

The Greatest Challenge of the 21st Century

You’re ahead of the curve if you’ve figured out that it isn’t a black and white world. Unfortunately, not enough people have and are stuck in the “I’m right, your wrong” mindset. What defines the concept of “black and white” is when a person is so painfully handcuffed to their personal beliefs that they refuse to open their mind to entertain another’s point of view. A closed mind is at the core of every problem that confronts us.

What Mountain is Yours to Climb?

Not long ago I asked a CEO what his secret to success is. He answered, “Every day I do the most difficult thing first because I want to end the day strong.” I then asked how does that make you strong?

Don’t Role the Credits Just Yet…

Be honest. How many times have you said, “Someday, I will…”?  How many incomplete projects do you have lying around? How many ideas fill your head but never see the light of day? What about promises you made to yourself to take better care of yourself?

How to Find Calm in the Chaos

Yesterday I spoke with an agitated young woman in her 40’s who was highly disturbed by world events. Her state of mind was affecting her professional and personal life. She was fearful and anxious to find immediate solutions to global challenges. She knew her thoughts were unrealistic but obsessively dwelled on them.