The New Art – Breaking Norms

The 21st century is proving to be challenging. Everywhere you look there seems to be discontent, upheaval and division. We are witnessing extremes in all areas. Progressives are too progressive and conservatives are too conservative. So why and where are we headed?

Solving 21st Century Challenges

We find ourselves in a time that is demanding that we solve our challenges at a higher level. The old paradigm will no longer work. As the path of self-awareness takes us higher and deeper into the heart of life, it gives us access to universal guidance, insights and solutions.

Do Not Waste a Single Drop of Talent

Do you have talents you’ve neglected or put on hold? It’s easy to do and even shove them to the bottom of your “to do” list, which could be called the “someday” list.

Making Our Way to Higher Ground

The beauty of higher ground is that once on it, you keep climbing higher – from one peak to another. As you do, more and more of universal wisdom is revealed to you. A world of creative and transformational ideas appear. It will be easier to take risks as you trust your guidance every step of the way.

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

Leadership Excellence: Mastering Your Energy

Your energy defines the quality of your unique individual expression.
Your energy combined with that of your stakeholders and employees defines your company.
The quality of your business depends on how well you manage, harness and direct its energy.

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

3 Necessary Attributes of Successful Entrepreneurs

Clarity – you have a crystal-clear vision that sees where you’ve been, where you are and where you want to go. You can internally visualize and define the details of what you’re going to build.