Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

8 Steps for Powerful Connection and Engagement

At 12 years old, it was the only strategy I could think of. How could I tell her she had overstepped her boundaries? I was raised on “don’t hurt other people’s feelings — be nice.”

Alzati Leadership Blog

So You’re Different: Get over it! These Leaders Did.

Richard Branson, the owner of the Virgin Group, once said, “We are Britain’s largest private company, and I still can’t work out the difference between gross and net. I look at a crossword puzzle and I just go blank.”

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

Are You Prepared to Lead in the 21st Century?

Leaders of the 21st century will be asked to navigate uncharted territory. It will put you in the driver’s seat yet demand that you let go of control. 
It will seduce you to the edge of the unknown then ask you to jump. It will lure you out of your comfort zone over and over.