The New Art – Breaking Norms

The 21st century is proving to be challenging. Everywhere you look there seems to be discontent, upheaval and division. We are witnessing extremes in all areas. Progressives are too progressive and conservatives are too conservative. So why and where are we headed?

You Are the Author of Your Life

As an author I talk with many people who want to write a book. From memoirs and children’s books to non-fiction, sci-fi and romance novels. However, many people never do.

Team Leadership Class

Go Higher Go DeeperCreative Minds Solving 21st Century Challenges Alzati Team Leadership Class  The Team Leadership Classprovides the powerful deep work thattransforms individuals and organizations. Participants learn how to: Manage Uncertainty – Build ResilienceImprove Performance – Achieve ClarityProblem-Solve – Heighten Creativity    Develop a culture that supports creative exploration,openness, collaboration and inventiveness. Team Leadership ClassConnect, Create, […]

Intuition is a Game Changer

Facts, statistics, resumes and smooth talkers can impress; influence and point you in the wrong direction. However, if you are consciously present and aware of your feelings it can override the external parade of showmanship and lead you to make the right decision.

The Creative Power of Our Thoughts and Words

Your thoughts and words can act as powerful influences that affect you, as well as others. When they are felt, heard and repeated enough they can change the way we think and behave. Therefore, carefully observe yourself.

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

Honoring Employee Needs

Most people want to do a good job. They want the opportunity to do more. They want the tools to accomplish more. As you listen and they define what they need to feel good about the work they do, you are building trust. You are building a bridge to a new way of thinking.

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

Stressed at Work? – Go to the Cause.

Weed out your negative thoughts and feelings and you will transform your scattered energy into a strong focused energy. Your newfound self-awareness will result in clarity – a needed tool for every area of your life.

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

8 Steps for Powerful Connection and Engagement

At 12 years old, it was the only strategy I could think of. How could I tell her she had overstepped her boundaries? I was raised on “don’t hurt other people’s feelings — be nice.”