Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

Stressed at Work? – Go to the Cause.

Weed out your negative thoughts and feelings and you will transform your scattered energy into a strong focused energy. Your newfound self-awareness will result in clarity – a needed tool for every area of your life.

Alzati Leadership Blog by Susan Ann Darley

Our Loss of Privacy Might Just be Our Freedom

Today, it’s common to worry about cybersecurity threats, hacking and data breaches. We want our computer systems and personal data safe and protected from theft. However, there is another privacy issue that most of us are not thinking of.

Alzati-Leadership Coaching Blog by Susan Ann Darley

New Book Release: “The Metaphysics of Business”

This book presents principles and techniques that translate into practical skills that can be applied to your career and personal life. With newfound clarity you can identify and solve problem areas – within yourself and in your organization.

Alzati Leadership Coaching Blog by Susan Ann Darley

10 Reasons Why Leaders Should Laugh More!

When is the last time you saw your boss or the CEO doubled over in uncontrollable laughter? Yet genuine laughter is healing and even enlightening as it illuminates and reveals fresh perspectives on our challenges.